Can I come to Cascina Nomade by bus?
We recommend joining us with your own vehicle or bike as public transport won’t reach our door.
How does it work for guests on a wheel chair?
Our Apartment B is architectural barriers free and has a bedroom and a bathroom that are fully equipped and with loads of space to move around. Please contact us for any additional info or pictures.
Where can I buy food and beverage?
The nearest area is Dogliani, 5 minutes by car – we are also happy to connect you with local producers!
What if I can’t match check in times?
Please contact us in advance: we are solution oriented people.
What does country house stand for?
Country house is your own private apartment within an historical farmhouse, where you can take advantage of the numerous commonal, open doors spaces and enjoy an authentic rural, Italian athmosphere.
Is breakfast included?
Usually not. All our apartments have a fully equipped kitchen to prepare your own meals. Contact us whether you are looking for an ecception 🙂